Free US shipping and returns

See details

Our Returns and Exchanges Policy

We at Elizabetta want you to be happy with your purchase, and if for some reason you wish to return or exchange an item please do the following:

  • Please get in contact with us here within 14 days of receipt of the item (except in the extended holiday returns period) with your name, email and order number. We are a small, family-run company, so we will reply to your request as soon as we can, within 2 days maximum (usually much sooner).
  • US Returns: We will email you a prepaid return label free of charge. Please note that any shipping costs paid are non-­refundable.
  • International returns: We will provide you the address of where to send the items (in Texas, USA). You will be responsible for shipping the items back at your own expense. Shipping and any customs and duties paid are non-refundable.
  • Items must be shipped back to us within 5 business days of issuing the return authorization in original condition, unworn, and repackaged in their original packaging or other appropriate protective packaging. If you need more time, please let us know the reason right away, and we might be able to make an exception.

If the above conditions are met, we will issue a full refund for the item within a week of receiving it.

We reserve the right not to accept a return if the above terms are not met.

Changes, cancellations: We ship 0-2 business days after we receive your order. If changes need to be made, we will make every effort to do so. Please contact us here.

If you have any questions about our return policy, please contact us, your satisfaction is important to us.
